Thursday, August 21, 2008

My sweet Chloe made me laugh out loud this week. Her mom had been out of town for a few days, and Chloe was really missing her. Little things were real big to her, and she was very emotional. She had asked me for milk three times that day, and I had given it to her. After speaking with Annette by telephone, I found out Chloe had had her limit. So once again, in early evening, Chloe climbed up in my lap and asked for milk. Except she whined for it. "I... want... my... milk!", she would yell, and then cry. Then again. and again. Finally, after the fifth time, I wanted to let her hear what she sounded like. Doing my best impression of her whine, I let out, "I want my milk." She looked at me, pausing for just an instant, and in a most pathetic little whimper, cried, "Me Too!"


Anonymous said...

This one made Amber and me laugh out loud!!

Anonymous said...

Tell her that our bodies aren't made for cows milk but that broccoli is a good alternative for getting her calcium. . .and better for you too. she can join my chant: "I want my broccoli pizza!"

Anonymous said...

poor chloe!!! that is hillarious!

Living Life Happy said...

AW!!! hahaha, sad, but funny.