I told Connor to look at the ring on Kenny's hand, which prompted Kenny to do something I never thought he would do- he handed Connor his ring. Dad was a little bit excited at that point.

Pete Rose was sitting there atching all this, and so when Connor was passing him, he said, "Here, I want to show you this." It was a novelty World Series Ring that was huge. He told Connor is was from when he was fat.

Pete and Kenny Stabler couldn't have been any nicer to a couple guys not buying any of their product. I told Connor to shake the hand o the greatest baseball player of all time (he of the hated Cincinnati Reds, but I didn't say that out loud).

We finished up our day with a trip to the Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame. Connor and I go there occasionally, and it is really great- over 200 pinball games from the 50's to today, and you can play 'em, for what they cost at the time.
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